Looking for a
sweet slumber?
I don’t believe in cookie-cutter guides and schedules when it comes to raising tiny humans and neither should you.
Babies are born whole humans; their uniqueness is woven within the womb. So don’t be fooled by some guide or baby ‘expert’ selling a one-size-fits-all approach.
Your baby may have different sleep needs than Chloe in Cape Town because, just like you, she is unique. Don’t worry, Mama, she’s not broken – and neither are you.
You don’t have to follow rules made up by some guy from way back when. Our children are not science experiments; if it feels wrong for you and your child, it probably is.
I see you
You are not broken – and neither is your baby!
Supporting your child to sleep is very normal and it is NOT the reason we don’t see settled sleep.
The Internet is full of so-called ‘experts’ claiming one-size-fits-all methods and that you can teach your child to ‘self-soothe’ (which is not only BS; it’s a lie); experts claiming their methods are gentle and responsive…
Spoiler alert: THEY. ARE. NOT.
There is so much in between these rigid spaces.
There are thousands of parents who feel just like you right now and there is a unique, holistic sleep solution for each and every one of you. If you are ready to make changes with respect, you have come to the right place.
Three and a half years ago, I was a slave to our sleep situation. I remember laying in the bath on a discovery call with a so-called ‘expert’.
What she should have told me was:
“It’s all normal; your baby is normal; you are not doing anything wrong – how can I support YOU to feel more rested?”
But she didn’t.
She just wanted my R2000 and gave me advice that I could have just Googled myself. We tried her ‘gentle’ methods – and it was anything but… It felt so wrong and I was at war with my instincts.
So, my babe and I became sleep-training dropouts.
I’m so glad we did because that choice – the choice to respond to my child the way I saw fit – to throw out the rules…
It changed everything.
I've got you, Mama
You are looking for change, reassurance, support and guidance.
You are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, confused, at a loss and in need of advice that doesn’t contradict your intuition;
someone to stand alongside you as you make respectful shifts to your sleep situation.
You are ready to find solutions that are tailor-made for your family, your dynamic, your child(ren), your culture, your interests, your temperament, your life …
I’ve got you.